Game description

B.I.O.U Project is a game created for the Young Creators' contest for the PXL Lan's 2015 edition. This contest had for subject mixing Technology and Traditions with the Feria (a French festival in the South of France).
The game is a platformer where you play a bull from the Camargue through Arles's bull ring.

Screenshots of the game

One of the first levels of the game.Getting into the city, heading to the bull ring.Finally at the bull ring !

Minimum requirements

OS Windows XP or later
Processor Pentium 4
Graphic card Integrated graphics card
HDD Space 15 Mo free space

Download links

It is a Windows game only. B.I.O.U Project is a standalone game, you do not need to install it, you just have to execute it to play.
Download the game

How to play ?

You have a quick guide for the game (in French):

To sum up, if you use a keyboard:

If you use a controller (tested with a Xbox controller):

Additional informations

The game is in French only. It was created with GameMaker Studio.